Performance Anxiety & How EMDR Therapy Can Help You Overcome It

Everyone knows the feeling of being nervous before public speaking or taking an exam. But there are times when anxiety becomes more severe, and it can affect your performance. When anxiety starts to get in between you and your goal, this is called performance anxiety. 

If you have experienced this heart-racing, sweating stress over getting things done, don't panic! 

While there are many effective techniques to overcome performance anxiety, this blog will explore the debilitating effects of performance anxiety, particularly in the workplace, and introduce you to the power of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) to help you thrive. Keep reading to discover how EMDR therapy can offer you relief, build resilience, and empower you to thrive in high-pressure situations. 

What is Performance Anxiety?

Performance anxiety refers to the anxiety people experience in anticipation of or during important tasks, resulting in impaired performance. Those who suffer from it may fear failure, rejection, or the possibility of humiliation. This form of anxiety, also known as "stage fright," can occur with any task, from public presentations to shows to sex. Work anxiety might involve being fearful of leading a meeting or producing reports on time. If you play sports, you may feel anxiety prior to big games. The cause of performance anxiety can vary, but it usually stems from fear and unaddressed vulnerabilities or insecurities.

Here are some symptoms of performance anxiety:

  • Racing pulse and rapid breathing

  • Dry mouth and tight throat

  • Trembling hands, knees, lips, and voice

  • Sweaty and cold hands

  • Nausea and an uneasy feeling in your stomach

  • Vision changes 

Sometimes, performance anxiety can be treated simply by dealing with your fears head-on or preparing differently for the moments when you may experience it. Practicing more, meditating, exercising, or even dietary changes may be sufficient for some. In those instances where you cannot deal with your anxiety alone, it may be time to employ the help of a professional. 

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a mental health treatment that is gaining attention for its effectiveness in treating anxiety, trauma, and other mental health disorders. This method involves moving your eyes a specific way or your hands while you process traumatic memories. The treatment focuses on a specific negative thought while simultaneously engaging in a repetitive movement or tapping. This technique is believed to help reprocess traumatic experiences and reduce the emotional impact of those experiences from a safe distance, leading to improved mental health. 

In an EMDR session, a therapist will guide their patient through specific eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation while they focus on a traumatic memory or negative thought. The goal is to help the patient "reprocess" the experience and change how it's stored in their brain. While EMDR might not be for everyone, many people have found it to be a life-changing treatment that has helped them finally take control of their mental health.

How EMDR Therapy is Used to Treat Performance Anxiety

When performance anxiety is tied to traumatic experiences, EMDR therapy is an excellent way to help release the mental obstacles that are holding you back from performing at your best. Your mind may have attached your performances to a bad review, an unsavory event from the past, or negative beliefs or emotions. A trained EMDR therapist will work with you to reprocess these thoughts and emotions so they no longer hold you back.

EMDR therapy does not involve a lot of talking like typical therapy sessions. The purpose is solely to process the traumatic memories and make them less unpleasant to think about. This specialized therapy’s power lies in stimulating both halves of the brain to access the different ways that trauma is stored. Reviewing or reprocessing the trauma from the physical and psychological safety of the present can help to remove the triggers associated with the trauma. The goal is to have a new perspective on your past so that you can find wholeness. By addressing these underlying factors, EMDR therapy can help you gain more control over your thoughts and emotions, ultimately leading to greater confidence and improved performance. So, if you're looking for a way to break free from your performance anxiety, EMDR therapy might be just what you need.


Performance anxiety can cast a shadow over your professional life, limiting your potential and hindering your success. However, with the right therapeutic approach, such as EMDR therapy, you can break free from the chains of performance anxiety and unlock your full potential. 

Together, we can delve deeper into the principles and techniques of EMDR therapy, exploring how it can empower you to overcome performance anxiety at work and thrive in high-pressure environments. Reimagine Her Therapy is here to help you overcome your performance anxiety. We offer EMDR Intensives in Illinois, Texas, and Florida. Schedule a free consultation with Robin today!

Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Robin is an EMDR Certified Therapist and owner of Reimagine Her Therapy PLLC, a boutique therapy practice for Midlife Women. Services are available in-person in Bartlett, IL, and online throughout Illinois, Florida, and Texas. She specializes in trauma recovery, divorce, anxiety, and midlife transitions. Through the use of advanced healing techniques including EMDR and Brainspotting, you’ll find relief for both your brain and body. Meet the you, you’ve been waiting for!

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