Midlife Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Midlife Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Making Meaningful Connections in Midlife

Whether post-divorce, navigating an empty nest, or starting fresh, building bonds as a midlifer can be challenging. This blog will help you explore practical strategies and the dos and don’ts of forming a meaningful connection with someone new. So get ready to embrace new connections, you might just be surprised how much they enrich your life!

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Midlife Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Midlife Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Empty Nest? Time to Spread Your Wings!

This blog discusses the challenges and opportunities of an empty nest for professional women. Learn how to deal with your first year of becoming an empty nester by restarting your career, finding new hobbies, and coping with change. You'll find inspiration to view this midlife transition as an opportunity, not an ending.

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Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Reclaiming Trauma Triggers Around the Holidays

Holidays are hard when you’re dealing with a PTSD anniversary reaction. Robin Kulesza, LCPC, offers ways to reclaim the holidays, taking the power away from seasonal triggers and letting you make holidays your own.

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Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Ways Childhood Trauma Can Influence Your Adult Life

Childhood trauma can be a precursor to toxic relationships, feeling not good enough, feeling like a failure, and even addiction in adulthood. This is not entirely surprising, as we know early childhood to be a critical emotional, mental and physical time for development. The negative and positive experiences that imprinted in those early years teach us and greatly determine how we see the world and people. These influences of childhood trauma on adulthood can be subconscious, or even unknown to some people experiencing it. However, understanding the way our history influences us can help us navigate solutions and change to improve our social, emotional and mental health, as well as self-respect and self-esteem and how we function in our relationships.

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Self-Esteem, EMDR Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Self-Esteem, EMDR Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Boost Your Confidence with EDMR: Start Taking Up Space and Taking Your Life Back

EMDR therapy is a unique type of trauma therapy in that it involves a great deal of introspection, with additional guidance and support through the processing through specific memories with your therapist. It can loosen the emotional hold that traumatic memories have on you, releasing you from their negative, self-limiting beliefs also. Reprocessing those memories and storing them without all the collateral messaging can reduce the impact triggers can have on you.

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EMDR, Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC EMDR, Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Tapping, Vibration & Eye Movements: How Bilateral Stimulation Can Help You Heal from Traumatic Memories

Bilateral stimulation is a therapeutic technique that has gained popularity recently for its effectiveness in treating anxiety and trauma. This technique stimulates both sides of the body—through eye movement, tapping, vibrations/pulses, or auditory tones—to help the brain process and resolve emotional distress. Bilateral stimulation is the chief technique used in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, a type of psychotherapy that focuses on overriding the effects of trauma and other negative life experiences.

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Stress, Self-Care Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Stress, Self-Care Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Fight, Flight, or Freeze: Your Body's Reaction to Stress and What It Means

You know those moments when the buildup of stress becomes too much, and your body gets stuck in crisis mode? You may feel rooted in place, stuck without a clue how to move forward, feel an incredibly strong urge to do or think about anything else, or may even find yourself becoming defensive, getting ready to fight back at the stress that threatens your peace. Each of those reactions is an expression of your body’s reactionary or “fight or flight” response, and while you may have heard about this before, there’s actually more to it than you may know!

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EMDR, Anxiety, Performance Enhancement Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC EMDR, Anxiety, Performance Enhancement Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Performance Anxiety & How EMDR Therapy Can Help You Overcome It

Everyone knows the feeling of being nervous before public speaking or taking an exam. But there are times when anxiety becomes more severe, and it can affect your performance. When anxiety starts to get in between you and your goal, this is called performance anxiety.

If you have experienced this heart-racing, sweating stress over getting things done, don't panic!

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Couples, Attachment, Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Couples, Attachment, Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Is Trauma Impacting Your Relationship? The Lasting Effects of Trauma on Your Attachment Style & Relationships

Have you found yourself wondering why you do the things you do in relationships? Or found yourself falling into the same patterns, even in new relationships? Patterns that feel like they’re making it hard to develop or sustain a healthy relationship? Early childhood experiences of trauma, or even the way you felt connected and cared for by your caregivers (your attachment style) may be to blame. Your attachment style, which is developed from very early childhood, may be a key component to understanding yourself and why you feel how you do when in relationships.

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Anxiety Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Anxiety Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Using Mindfulness to Break Free From Anxiety

Are you looking for tips on mindfulness for anxiety that can help you get a grasp on your busy mind and regain your power in your life? In this blog, we’re diving into all the ways that anxiety might impact you—and how we can help!

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Self-Care Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Self-Care Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Freedom and Healing in the Daily Walk

It's been an emotional time in our world with headlines in the news that pull at our heartstrings and make one question our beliefs, our life, our feelings, our freedoms, and how we'll move ahead with peace and less anger in our lives. The one thing I and many of the woman in my life stick to through thick and thin is a daily walk to help us stay grounded.

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Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC Trauma Robin Kulesza, MA, LCPC

Reclaiming your Life: Surviving Emotional Abuse

Anyone can be a target of emotional abuse. This article was written to give anyone that has been subjected to emotional abuse some easy ways to start reclaiming your life and building your self-esteem back up again. You may not be able to control your abuser, but you can control how you take care of yourself.

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