EMDR Intensives for Quicker and Focused Relief

So you’ve hit midlife, and rather than having it “all figured out” as you expected by this age, you still seem to be stuck in the same old patterns.

Maybe one of those midlife shifts has challenged your self-concept. Maybe you're just too tired to keep trying to numb out or mask pain from the past. Maybe you’re beginning to suspect there’s unresolved trauma under the surface. 

No matter what caused you to feel dissatisfied and dysregulated, you know that you’re ready to find a calmer, more connected way of living…

But you may not have the time or space to commit to regular therapy amidst the midlife juggle.

The good news is that there is an even better way to access deep, long-lasting transformation through an EMDR Intensive. 

Instead of waiting months to unravel old patterns, an Intensive provides the space and processing time to feel better in days!

EMDR Intensives vary from one to three days and allow us more space for processing and resolving stuck patterns and trauma.

Don’t let the word intensive scare you; this is a gentle approach! 

It’s not more “intense” than a regular session, it’s just like many sessions pieced together into one experience. And an Intensive can be a stand-alone treatment or a supplement to weekly sessions with your existing talk therapist.

Ask me about my own 6-hour EMDR Intensive as a client! Amazing!

"I have multiple traumas and worked on two issues with EMDR. I've become much more aware of what triggers my nervous system and the skills that help calm it down. However, the most exciting part I discovered after doing EMDR was two weeks ago when I had a significant trigger at work. Normally, I would have experienced severe anxiety, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. Instead, I only had mild anxiety, was not reactive, and was able to discuss the issue very calmly, with no trouble sleeping." EMDR Client

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach

that was developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro in the late 1980s. Shapiro discovered the technique while taking a walk and noticing that her own disturbing thoughts and emotions seemed to dissipate as she moved her eyes back and forth. She began testing this observation with her patients and found that bilateral eye movements, combined with focused attention on distressing memories, led to significant reductions in their level of emotional distress. 

Over time, Shapiro refined the technique and developed a comprehensive protocol for EMDR therapy, which has since become widely used in the successful treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), other trauma-related conditions, and a wide variety of mental health concerns like anxiety. 

Here are the most important things to know about EMDR as an approach:

EMDR is a modality that is based on the science of the brain and nervous system. It involves tapping, eye movements, music, or vibrations in the hands to help the brain access material. It allows us to reprocess memories incorrectly stored in the brain and gives them a different meaning. EMDR also instills positive beliefs in the mind and feelings in the body. 

It directly addresses the fight, flight, or freeze response which can stay stuck in our body in response to trauma. EMDR also reduces overwhelming emotions and physical sensations and can easily be adapted to being delivered both in person and online. 

Why Do an EMDR Intensive?

An EMDR Intensive allows the time and space to get straight to the root cause and heart of the matter without the limitation of a regular 60-minute therapy session and leaves you feeling calmer, more balanced, and far more able to make decisions from your Authentic Self, rather than the parts of you caught in the pain from the past. 

It’s also a quicker, more transformative model of healing, and an excellent fit for trauma healing and midlife reimagining if you have a work schedule that changes often and it’s difficult to stick to a weekly therapy day and time. You just want to get it done! 

It’s the perfect format to efficiently and effectively repair and heal in just a few days.

I completed my own EMDR Intensive recently. Over the course of 6 hours, I was able to process years of stored-up doubts and uncomfortable memories. I came out of it feeling lighter and ready to plan new goals and live my dream life!

Think of it like the “fast pass” of therapy: you’re skipping the line and getting premium results faster!

In person Intensives are available in Bartlett, IL, a western suburb of Chicago. Bartlett is easily accessible from downtown Chicago in about an hour by car or public transportation. It’s also within an easy 20-minute drive of the quaint towns of Geneva and St. Charles, IL along the Fox River. My office is about a 30-minute drive from O’Hare International Airport. 

You can choose to travel to do an in-person Intensive (even if you live outside of Illinois, Texas, South Carolina, or Florida which are the 4 states I am licensed as a therapist). You may like to turn this time into a personal healing retreat and In between your EMDR Intensive sessions, enjoy the local attractions, sports, cuisine, architecture, and culture. Or move at a slower pace and enjoy some spa time. 

I can also schedule an online Intensive with you from anywhere in Illinois, Texas, or Florida if you prefer to do this from the comfort of your own home. Many of my clients love the convenience of the online format. There’s a built-in sense of safety when in your own home, with your pets, blankets, and whatever other comforts help you relax. 

Here’s how it works:

Your EMDR & Brainspotting Intensive:

Your choice of a 1, 2, or 3-day Intensive delivered either in-person in Bartlett, IL, or online via Zoom

The Process:

  • Step 1: Free consultation and schedule your Pre-Intensive session, Intensive days, and Post-Intensive session.

  • Step 2: A "Pre-Intensive" session (60 minutes) will be conducted to determine your goals for the Intensive and to begin EMDR preparation work.

  • Step 3: Robin will create a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.

  • Step 4: A personalized treatment workbook will be provided, allowing you to work on your treatment goals before, during, and after the Intensive sessions.

  • Step 5: On the day(s) of your Intensive, a full day(s) is reserved exclusively for your therapy on Robin’s calendar. The day will consist of 6 hours of therapy with a 1-hour lunch break.

  • Step 6: A "Post-Intensive" session (60 minutes) will be held 2-4 weeks after the Intensive to assess and support your adaptation to the positive changes from treatment.

  • Step 7: With your input, Robin will create a suggested follow-up plan for your continued healing.

Not sure which option is right for you?

Book a consultation with me. The call is obligation-free, is the best way to see if we’re a good fit as client and therapist, and the best way to figure out which option is best for you.

Make it a weekend retreat in Chicago!

For midlife women accustomed to prioritizing the needs of others, indulge in an Intensive healing therapy retreat to rejuvenate your spirit, free you from the old hurt, and start your journey of rediscovery. Not a fan of the big city? Check out the quaint towns of St. Charles and Geneva, IL, with many cute B&Bs, restaurants, and shops along the Fox River.