EMDR Therapy for Individuals

Discover how Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can transform your life and relationships, fostering deeper understanding and healing.

Along with EMDR, I also offer Brainspotting, a method that helps you heal from trauma by focusing on specific points where you gaze with your eyes. This allows you to process and release difficult emotions, thoughts, and physical sensations. By combining both approaches, I help you find deeper emotional and physical relief.

How EMDR & Brainspotting Can Transform Your Life

  • Bilateral Stimulation & Eye Focus: These therapies use guided bilateral stimulation and focused eye positions to tap into your brain's natural ability to heal.

  • Symptom Reduction: They help reduce the emotional intensity of symptoms like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

  • Structured Eight-Phase Approach: EMDR follows a structured eight-phase protocol to ensure comprehensive processing of traumatic experiences.

  • Positive Belief Development: EMDR helps you develop more positive beliefs about yourself as you reprocess memories.

  • Deep-Rooted Issue Targeting: Brainspotting targets deep-seated emotional issues, facilitating the natural healing process.

  • Emotional Stability & Clarity: Together, these methods help you achieve greater emotional stability and clarity, breaking free from old patterns.

  • Overall Well-being: The therapies enhance your overall well-being, positively impacting your relationships and interactions with others.

I offer therapy in two ways:

60-90 Minute Weekly Sessions

  • Regular Sessions: Engage in weekly sessions to address personal or relationship challenges, and to work on personal growth.

  • Consistent Healing: Weekly therapy provides a steady approach to healing, helping you build trust in yourself and develop new communication and emotional regulation skills over time.

  • Ongoing Support: Regular weekly sessions offer a safe space for continuous support and progress, ensuring that you are moving forward in your healing journey.

  • Initial Session: You’ll attend a 60-minute intake session. Follow on session lengths may vary based on your schedule and goals.

1-3 Day Intensives

  • Time-Efficient Therapy: Ideal for women with limited weekly availability, my 1-3 day EMDR Intensives provide a concentrated and focused therapy option.

  • Rapid Progress: This format is perfect for those looking to make significant improvements in a short amount of time.

  • Weekend Schedule & Getaway Option: Intensives are available Friday through Sunday, featuring 6 hours of focused therapy each day with a one-hour lunch break. Enhance your experience with a relaxing weekend getaway in the Chicago area, or opt for the flexibility of completing the intensive online.

Why not book a consultation today? Think of it as taking a vital step towards doing something important for yourself this time. With EMDR and Brainspotting, we can tackle those deep-seated issues before they turn into something more painful.

It’s better to handle things now than deal with the fallout of unaddressed trauma or a crisis later. Let’s work together to strengthen your emotional resilience, which allows you to deal better with the ups and downs that life always seems to bring.

How to Get Started:

Schedule a free phone or Zoom consultation

Schedule a “New Individual First Session”

Complete electronic intake assessments and sign documents