EMDR Consultation for Forward-Thinking Therapists

Take it to the next level with bonus material on incorporating Brainspotting, using SAFE (somatic and attachment-focused) EMDR, braving social media to market, and setting up EMDR Intensives in your practice.

So you’ve completed lots of EMDR training, but you still have lots (and lots, and lots) of questions…

I remember my first few sessions after EMDR basic training. I had a pile of forms I shuffled through during sessions, wondering what my clients must think of this newly trained EMDR therapist. 

I spent a lot of time doubting what I knew, stressed about following advice like:

  • “Make sure you start with the touchstone memory or youngest age to begin phase 4, reprocessing” or 

  • “Be very wary of clients that dissociate.” 

and worrying over questions like: 

  • “Am I using the right type of bilateral stimulation with clients?” or

  • “Should I do the container or safe place to resource this client?” 

Can you feel that stress of uncertainty and imposter syndrome in your body too?

Please know:

You are NOT alone.

I remember a trainer telling us we wouldn’t need all the papers and forms once we practiced using EMDR more. I’m happy to tell you this is true. With time and practice, you’ll become so unconsciously competent with EMDR therapy tools that whole weeks will fly by without you doubting or worrying about doing it right even once!

And yet, even as my confidence and competence grew, I still had questions about resourcing, dissociation, and clients who seemed unable to notice what was happening in their bodies.

What I found most helpful as a new EMDR therapist was being part of a consultation group where my steep learning curve and deep curiosity were held, supported, and nourished.

After certification, it’s easy to feel alone.

Being part of a consultation group with forward-thinking consultants and other therapists, and learning different styles, was a truly transformative experience.

I had a safe space to bring my questions, celebrate my growing confidence, and admit when I felt unsure or stuck with a specific client or memory. I also found it invaluable to hear from clinicians who worked with different populations and issues than I had experienced, which helped me add more skills to my toolbox.

Most importantly, I learned that there’s more than one way to work with your clients using EMDR. This allowed my therapy sessions to become more flexible and individualized, and I began to utilize resources that clients were already using in their daily lives, rather than feeling limited to the few taught in basic training.

A word of advice . . .

don’t put off getting consultation and using what you learned in basic training!

As therapists, we can get pretty isolated, especially if you solely do online therapy. Working with a one consultant or a group of like-minded EMDR therapists sharing information and helping build your confidence, means all the difference in being a confident EMDR therapist. 

I’m an EMDR Certified Therapist and approved Consultant-in-Training (CIT).

My basic training and EMDR certification were completed through the Personal Transformation Institute (PTI). PTI’s founder, Deborah Kennard, created the S.A.F.E. or Somatic and Attachment-Focused approach to EMDR. 

I also participated in The Consultation Program with EMDR consultants Kambria Evans, Anita Meyer, and Linda Standley, and draw heavily on tools and approaches from this program.

I believe we learn best in safe, collaborative spaces where we can present our ideas, have our perspective gently challenged where need be, and everyone is heard, seen and respected. 

My intention as an EMDR Consultant in Training is to provide you with that space, and the time, knowledge and years of lived experience in healing therapy to become a skilled, confident and calm EMDR Therapist. 

I offer EDMR Consultation services in two ways:

If you have already completed EMDRIA-approved EMDR basic training and are working on consultation hours for certification:

you may receive 15 of the required 20 hours from me, a Consultant in Training (CIT). You can choose to schedule individual sessions with me or join my next scheduled consultation group.

If you completed EMDRIA-approved EMDR basic training, but never got around to using it or just feel rusty with your skills:

and you want to work with a CIT to review the EMDR process and incorporate EMDR into your practice. You may also want to discuss how to add EMDR Intensives, SAFE EMDR, EMDR 2.0, or Brainspotting into your practice. Individual consultation sessions are your best fit.


Individual Consultation - $100/hour

Group Consultation - $50/hour (2+ therapists; bring a friend and save!)

“Robin was unfailingly encouraging as my consultant while also offering gentle feedback and concrete suggestions to help me improve my EMDR practice with clients. She also reinforced what I was doing well so that my confidence grew at the same time. Finally, she passed along helpful readings and resources along the way beyond our one-hour sessions. I had a great experience working with her toward my certification!” Fran Ellers, LCSW, LMFT

Ready to get started building your confidence with a kind, collaborative, experienced EMDR Certified Therapist and CIT?

Not sure if individual or group EMDR Consultation is the best for you or have other questions?

Book a complimentary call with me to discuss your options.

EMDR Consultation FAQs

  • - If you have already completed EMDRIA-approved EMDR basic training and are working on consultation hours for certification, you may receive 15 of the required 20 hours from a consultant in training (CIT). You can choose to schedule individual sessions with me or join my next scheduled consultation group.

    - If you completed EMDRIA-approved EMDR basic training, but never got around to using it or just feel rusty with your skills, and you want to work with a CIT to review the EMDR process and incorporate EMDR into your practice. You may also want to discuss how to add EMDR Intensives into your practice. Individual consultation sessions with me are your best fit for EMDR consultation.

    Book a free consultation call here with me to discuss which options may be the best fit for you.

  • I’m an EMDR Certified Therapist and approved Consultant-in-Training (CIT), in consultation with Kambria Evans, Anita Meyer, and Linda Standley, who guides trainee EMDR therapists to build confidence and consultation hours towards certification through my kind, collaborative approach.

    My basic training and EMDR certification were completed through the Personal Transformation Institute (PTI). PTI’s founder, Deborah Kennard, created the S.A.F.E., Somatic, and Attachment Focused approach to EMDR.

    I believe we learn best in safe, collaborative spaces where we can present our ideas, have our perspective gently challenged where need be, and everyone is heard, seen and respected.

    My intention as an EMDR Consultant in Training is to provide you with that space, and the time, knowledge and years of lived experience in healing therapy to become a skilled, confident and calm EMDR Therapist.

  • You are located in the US or Canada for consultation if working towards EMDR Certification.

    If working on certification, you’ll be able to present and discuss your own EMDR case presentation materials to demonstrate proficiency in the standard EMDR model.

    I require 5 hours of consultation time with you to provide a recommendation letter to EMDRIA for certification.

  • You will review and demonstrate the eight phases of standard EMDR and the three-pronged approach. This may include video recordings, audio recordings, transcripts, and/or EMDR case presentation forms.

    You will learn about ways to use creative resourcing and how to modify standard protocols based on an individual client’s needs.

    You will have space to discuss personal cases, compare techniques with peers, and ask/answer questions with an approachable, gentle guide in the lead.

  • First, if you have additional questions or simply want to meet to make sure we are a good fit, you may book a consultation. You may also email me at robin@reimaginehertherapy.com.

    After you schedule, you'll receive a consultation agreement to review and sign and questions to answer about your license and basic training.

    Finally, I will email you a Zoom link for our meeting. For the first session, come prepared to discuss a client you're working with using EMDR, or if you don't have one, some questions to ask.